Closing of the Organizational gap
The OGSM methodology (Objectives-Goals-Strategies-Mesurements) was applied to cascade the Strategic objectives to the Objectives of the front line level.
The OGSM methodology helped to develop the set of integrated KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), which would help to monitor the progress at the implementation phase of the Operational and the Organizational strategies.
This way, the link was established between the Objectives and KPIs of the Management team and Supervisors, as well as The Objectives and KPIs of the Front line level.
The other link was establshed as well: between the Objectives and the KPIs of the Operational strategy and the Objectives and the KPIs of the Organizational strategy.
Each department like- Marketing, Production, R&D, Sales, Finance etc., had their Operational objectives integrated with relevant Organizational objectives, as the result of the second link.
The Objectives and the KPIs were allocated to the managers at each level of the Firm's organization. Existing MBO system was used for this purpose.
The process of Closing of the organizational gap had started. The process aimed at increasing the level of the organizational competencies and practices, that are relevant for delivery of the specific Operational objectives.